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I think when I started this adventure, I thought I would have this whole community of support.  All my friends and family encouraged me to get a divorce, so I guess I just assumed that they would all be there for me when I started to take the steps forward.  Today, I discovered that when push comes to shove, you really can’t count on anyone.  I thought at the very least I could count on my mom, but, nope.  I am officially on my own.  I hope as this all unfolds I find some single friends who will standby me and understand what I’m going through, and be supportive!

Leave A Comment, Written on May 24th, 2011 , Uncategorized

I wanted to write a blog that allows us to come together and share experiences that make divorce a little better. Over the years I’ve seen a wide variety of friends get divorced. Some where great divorces. Others where a nightmare. I had friends that I thought would have easy divorces, because their husbands had been so great over the years, but suddenly their husbands became total jerks. My one friend found out her husband had been cheating on her for years, and asked for a divorce. One would have thought that he would have been thrilled to finally have the door opened and be ab le to be honest. Instead he made it his mission to torture my friend. I still can’t figure out why.

My point, I guess you really don’t know what your going to get, until you embark on the journey. I’ve decided that I would like to have a good divorce, one where you agree amicably on all important things. I have a feeling I am being naive. But I can still hope!

Anyway, please share your stories. Maybe I can use some of your tips to make my journey one that is “a good divorce”. And you can join me on my journey with the ups and downs…

Leave A Comment, Written on May 21st, 2011 , Uncategorized Tags: , , ,

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1 Comment, Written on May 21st, 2011 , Uncategorized

The Divorce Experiment

sharing your experiences and what's working for you!