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Well, I am experiencing one of the things that I’ve been told is going to happen. I feel over whelmed and feel like giving up. Not the “I don’t want to go on with life” give up, the “I seems like it would be easier to go back to my unhappy marriage” give up. I keep trying the things that worked before, but this time I can’t seem to get my self out of my slump. I went on to other forums like, but all I saw was people telling their sad stories about how their spouse cheated and lied for years, or how one of the people took everything with out a word. I felt like I was reading the lyrics to some sad old country song. Thats not what I’m looking for. I want to know how to have a good divorce. One where both people realize that its just not working, that they are just not happy. One where both parties realize they have tried long enough and they are just tired of being unhappy and its time to move forward. I’ve found that life is so finite, and I don’t want to waste anymore time being unhappy. So, I’ve moved on, but still don’t feel much better. My friend said the first year is hard. There will be times when life feels great, and other times that feel miserable, but that in one year time you will feel better? Is that true?

Written on June 19th, 2011 , Uncategorized Tags: , ,

The Divorce Experiment

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